Bundles » Basics of Road Freight Transport
The teaching package “Basics of Road Freight Transport" contains information on selected basics of road freight transport. It comprises PowerPoint slides, a reader, case studies and further exercises.
Reader Basics of Road Freight Transport
The reader contains further information on road transport and is recommended as an addition to the PowerPoint slides "Basics of Road Freight Transport".
- You can freely use, adapt and share this reader.
Case Study "A Quick Choice of Transport Modes"
The mini case study "A quick choice ..." on the topic "Choosing a suitable mode of transport" refers to the characteristics of individual modes of transport, to making decisions using qualitative techniques (here the scoring method) and to the interpretation of stock levels.
The file "Case Study Basic Information" gives you information on how to use this exercise in class. In the download …
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Exercise Quiz Road Network Lenght
The quiz serves as an introduction to the topic of "road networks" and is intended to motivate and activate pupils for the topic. You will also find a sample solution in the download area.
The password for the solution can be obtained on request at reroad@fh-vie.ac.at.
more- you are free to use, adapt and share this exercise.
Exercise What if trucks stopped moving ...
This exercise deals deals with the truck as an important means of transport for the supply of people. You will also find a sample solution in the download area.
The password for the solution can be obtained on request at reroad@fh-vie.ac.at.- you are free to use, adapt and share this exercise.
Case Study "Experience China differently for once"
This cross-modal case study is about the characteristics of individual transport modes, analysis of the challenges of international business activities, implementation of a transport cost calculation and sustainability considerations in transport decisions.
The file "Information Case Study "Experience China differently for once"” (in German: “China einmal anders erleben”)…
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Crossword Basics Road Transport
This exercise is recommended as a supplement to the slide set "Fundamentals of road freight transport". With this crossword puzzle students can test their knowledge on this topic. The password for the solution can be obtained on request at reroad@fh-vie.ac.at.
- you are free to use, adapt and share this exercise.
EU Transport in Figures 2022 - Statistical pocketbook 2022
This publication provides an overview of the most recent and most pertinent annual transport-related statistics in Europe. It covers the European Union and its 27 Member States (EU-27) and, as far as possible, the current EU candidate countries, the EFTA countries and UK.