Bundles » Current Trends in Road Transport
The teaching package "Current Trends in Road Freight Transport" contains information on platooning, autonomous driving, alternative fuels and traffic telematics. It comprises PowerPoint slides, a reader, Videos and further exercises.
Reader Current Trends in Road Freight Transport
The reader is recommended as an addition to the Power Point presentation "Current Trends in Road Freight Transport" and contains further information on the topics covered.
- You can freely use, adapt and share this reader.
Group Work Current Trends in Road Freight Transport
The group work on current developments in road freight transport contains worksheets on selected topics, which are first worked on by pupils in small groups and then presented.
In the download area you will find the details for the group work, the corresponding sample solution as well as a assessment scheme. The password for the solution can be obtained on request at reroad@fh-vie.ac.at.
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Case study Sustainability in Freight Transport
The case study "Sustainability in Freight Transport" refers to the characteristics of individual modes of transport, possibilities of modal split and modal shift, sustainability in freight transport, and sustainability along the supply chain.
In the download area you will find a PowerPoint presentation on the topic of sustainability in the supply chain, the case study for the students and a sa…
Exercise ALICE - Physical Internet
This exercise deals with the topic of Physical Internet as future vision of transporting goods in an innovative and sustainable way. You will also find a sample solution in the download area. The password for the solution can be obtained on request at reroad@fh-vie.ac.at.
- you are free to use, adapt and share this exercise.
Crossword Trends in Road Transport
This exercise is recommended as a supplement to the slide set "Current Trends in Road Freight Transport". With this crossword puzzle students can test their knowledge on this topic. The password for the solution can be obtained on request at reroad@fh-vie.ac.at.
- you are free to use, adapt and share this exercise.
Group Work Trends and Innovations in Logistics
In this exercise, students will use digital tools to identify trends and innovations in logistics and assess their relevance.
The PowerPoint file in the download area contains information on different types of innovations, the assignment for the exercise and a current overview of trends and innovations in logistics.
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Video eHighway – Electrification of road freight transport
Road freight transport powered by electricity: Siemens’ eHighway system combines the efficiency of the railroad with the flexibility of trucks into an innovative freight traffic solution that is efficient, economical, and environmentally friendly.
Video This is LNG (Liquefied Natural Gas)
Liquefied natural gas (LNG) is easy and cost-effective to store and transport, and produces low CO2 emission when used as fuel. Learn more about LNG, how it is produced and how it works, in this short introductory film.
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Logistics Trend Radar 2022
The sixth edition of the DHL Logistics Trend Radar highlights 40 trends that will have a significant impact on the development of companies, societies and technologies for the global logistics industry over the next ten years. Among them, decarbonisation, robotics, big data, supply chain diversification and alternative energy solutions will change logistics the most.